Grilled Shrimp & Avocado Grilled Shrimp & Avocado $14.95 Grilled shrimp*, avocado, tomatoes, egg, red onion, lemon...
Blackened Salmon Caesar Blackened Salmon Caesar $19.95 Blackened salmon*, parmesan, croutons, caesar...
Strawberry & Spinach Strawberry & Spinach $12.95 Grilled chicken, strawberries, almonds, crumbled blue cheese, red onion, apple cider...
The Rib & Chop Cobb The Rib & Chop Cobb $12.95 Grilled chicken, bacon, avocado, red onions, crumbled blue cheese, egg, tomatoes, house...
Apple & Almond Apple & Almond $11.95 Apples, almonds, crumbled blue cheese, cherry tomatoes, red radish, red onion, apple cider...